
October 26, 2010

Saying Goodbye......

victorias ipod 012
(cousins saying good-bye)
Last night we said good-bye to Cousin Ben...who left early this morning for the
Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.
Argentina will be is final destination in a few weeks, and for two years he
will offer himself in service. He will learn to love people he doesn't even know, eat food
he has never tasted, and walk the streets of cities he has never even heard of. He is
willing to do all of this because he believes in something greater than himself.
His family has the courage to let him go becasue, they too beleive that the Lord will do more
with their boy in 2 years, than they have done with him in the last 18 years.
As a family, we have taken every opportunity possible to celebrate this great moment with
Cousin Ben. Serving a mission is a great and important thing!
Last night we all gathered to share in the special moment of a young man
becoming a missionary. Advice, love, testimony as well as many tears were shared.
Final hugs and good-byes for family, cousins and friends who have had cousin Ben around
for all of their lives. I loved the words of Uncle Dan, as he pointed out the Uncles who have gone before Cousin Ben as missionaries....and the young cousins to come....and Cousin Ben
the bridge between them and hour glass. We ended the evening with a tasty
Apple Cake....thank goodness for yummy cake to comfort in difficult moments!
We love our Cousin Ben....he will be a great missionary!

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry once again. That "miserale joy" of sending off a missionary. Brings back lots of memories. Good luck Cousin Ben, we will miss you.


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