
October 25, 2010

Too Many "Lasts" These Days.....

We celebrated The Boy's "last" Homecoming on Friday.
Too many "lasts" these days.
Our small town streets were lined with cars....
Waiting for the Homecoming parade to begin. Family....Friends...Community members...
everyone was there. Some young kids even got to miss school!
Those same young kids were anxiously awaiting the candy that would be thrown from the floats!
Friday was a cool Fall morning...the change of seasons is begining....
In more ways than one;)

The Boy....with other members of the Rodeo Team, led the parade.


The Director of the JSA and his wife followed close behind.
(Bro. and Sis. Cluff)

The beautiful Lobo Cheerleaders came next.....

The Senior float was great!
They actually won the competition between the classes.
The week leading up to the Homecoming game was full of activities....Spirit Week!
Everyday something special happened. Many activities were full of tradition.
The Seniors burned the "J" on the side of the mountain, there was movie night....
a talent show, and many many hours of working on class floats.
Once the parade completed the route through town, the floats were parked on the football field.
Aunt Trisha told me about watching the Seniors as their float was being parked,
they grouped together and gave their class yell, all the while holding tight to each other,
when the yell was done....they continued to cling together not wanting the moment to end.
They really are a special group!
They have been together since grade school.... they really do love each other.

Seasons are changing at the JSA....

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