
November 7, 2010

Home....More Gratitide...and Sadie's

kim kids 2
This time last year we were preparing to leave our home.
It was was necessary.....and even though it was a must, we were luckily enough to
share this experience with family. It brought stability in a very unstable time. This evening
the family gathered....we talked alot about last year. My first thought was back to a family gathering....where a plan was put in place...where a family became very unified. It was unlike most family was a sober time....everyone shared their concerns, and everyone was committed to the same Looking back, it was a tribute to a wonderful family who loves each other. It is what families are meant to be...It was just how a family should function. We spent the following several weeks together....on the road....trying to make the best out of a stressful time.
I am grateful for a stong family who is committed to each other.
This year we are home....I am beyond grateful for that!
The holidays are an extra special time in a home....we missed a bit of that last year....we arrived back home (last year) just a few days before Christmas...and spent nearly every moment trying to "catch up" with the traditions that we love so much. This year...the plan is to soak up every moment of just being home. A fire in the fireplace....the smells of the holidays...baking....decorating...just soaking it all up!!
In this special season of gratitude.....I am so grateful to be in my home with my family.
And I am grateful to be a member of a strong family who love and support each other.


On another note....It is Sadie Hawkins season in our area...and PreShie spent the week
asking her "friend" to the dance. She really made it fun for him, with and
suprises. He was such a great sport through it all...
I think he secretly loved every minute of the attention;)


Cousin Loly came over to help out with the final part of the weeks event....
The Reveal....
PreShie and Cousins Loly hooked up three air poppers....popped a ton of popcorn...

Filled a very large garbage bag....with popcorn and a bunch of little letters...
that her "friend" had to spell her name with. Our house smelled great!

It was just plain fun! PreShie carried her big bag onto the bus the following morning....
and made her delivery a lunchtime. It was a hit!
The "friend" enlisted a group of friends to help him sort through the bag and find all of
the letters, (he really already knew) and he spelled her name!

So now she waits....for his reply!
*a special congrats to PreShie who earned her Young Womanhood Recognition Award today.
She has worked very hard...and accomplished many goals...
We are proud of you PreShie!!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Victoria congrats for me on her YW Recognition! That's super!


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