
January 17, 2011

It Was Cold....But...It Was Fun!

The Boy and The Lobos....headed to Reserve, NM last Thursday for a 3 day tournament.
We had thought that we would sit this one out and stay home. The Farmer is
suffering with his annual back problems....and it just didn't seem like a 6 hour trip in the
car would be a great thing for him. We got The Boy ready to go....loaded him on the bus...and
he took off. Only when he left, I felt so we were really going to miss a great
weekend. I told The Farmer how I felt....he knew I really wanted to be there....and
so we packed up the car....and the remaining Darlings and headed for Reserve.

Reserve is a VERY small town and the town's only real hotel, recently burned down.
We knew it was going to be a challenge to find a place to stay, since several schools from surounding areas would also be participating in the tournament. Luckily we
located some darling cabins, in a neighboring town....Alpine, AZ. The area was cold and snowy,
and the little cabin was dreamy and warm! Turns out, a few of the other parents
also stayed in the same town and we enjoyed breakfast together in the local diner.
And it wasa yummy breakfast at that!
They are great friends and great company!

The Lobos on the other hand....found themselves in the"ghetto" as they called it.
There were not enough beds and so the owners were kind enough to bring their RV, to
help house everyone on the team. It made for some great laughs! Thankfully,
boys only need a bed and a meal and they are good with that!

The games were great! We enjoyed watching both the JV and Varsity Lobos, as well as
the JV and Varsity Lobas (the girls team). They all did very well with the Lobas (girls) taking
2nd place in the tournament, the Lobos also taking 2nd place. Several of the kids were
named "All-Tournament" which was a great honor. They are all such great young men and was a complete joy to see them compete.


Our Lobos are future missionaries....they are not covered with tatoos like most
of the young men from the other schools...they are clean....they are great sports....they are
just great young men (and women). They brought honor to the Academia Juarez.
Five of these young men have begun their preparations for their missions. Within the
next several months we will watch them become men. We think the world of each of them!


It was the best to have Lovlies with us. They cheered and made the tournament
that much more fun! Those Lovlies know how to have a great time!!

I tell The Boy....too often....that these are the best years for us as parents.
We LOVE following our kids around, soaking up every moment we are together.
I love when we are all in the car together.....when the radio is loud and we are singing along.
We laugh alot.....we talk alot.....It is a joy!!
Thank you to The Darlings....for allowing us to share the "ride" with you!


  1. OH wow, I have lots of memories of Reserve! I bet they stayed at the same junkie hotel we did. Some of the Lobos stayed in a trailer too! I'm glad you had fun. Made me take a trip down memory lane, thanks!

  2. That first shot of the Boy is really great. I love it when panning works out like that!


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