
February 3, 2011

I Sure Hope The Chickens Aren't Frozen.....

We woke up early this morning...just like every other morning. It was still very dark outside and I set out making a warm breakfast for The Darlings. I nudged The Rooster...he awoke easily, like usual and he jumped into the shower. Between making the lunches for the day and preparing breakfast....I kept looking out the kitchen window to get an idea of what the day
would wise. I called to The Rooster to layer his clothes...with undershirts and all,
when about this time the sun was just begining to come out....I looked outside again and this time
there was enough light to see that it had snowed during the night. Snow isn't a common occurance for us and so it is a great novelty when it arrives. We had a good idea that school would be cancelled...but the calls began...trying to confirm. Turns school today, or
tomorrow....or Monday, which was already a scheduled holiday. Oh, you can imagine how happy The Darlings were/are. It was 4 degrees this morning around 7 am......we went out to the
"pivot farm" around 1:00 and it was only 12 degrees. Very unusal temperatures for our area.
The fireplace....wood stove...and heater have been going all day, and we are toasty warm.
I started to wonder about the animals...The Boy took off to check his Muneca. He took her a little grain and made sure she was warm enough. She was great....and so he headed to the "pivot farm" to check on things and stopped by "The Flat" Uncle Dan's place. Another Uncle has horses
there and so The Boy was just casually checking on them, when one quite suddenly gave birth!
He, along with Uncle Dan and the workmen were able to help get the little colt warm,
and into a comfortable stall. It was a fun experience for him.
I started to wonder how the chickens had faired the cold night....I even asked The Farmer if he had ever heard of chickens freezing to death during a cold spell....he said he didn't think so, but I should check on them so I took a bowl of kitchen scraps,
and headed to their coop. Thankfully they were all well, but their water was frozen all the way
through. Since all of the hoses were frozen...warm water from the house was needed to help
melt their frozen water. They were happy for a drink of water!
The chickens are delivering 10-12 eggs a day which is great. The Boy LOVES
eggs and has been known to eat 5-7 in a sitting with corn tortillas. We love
the eggs...we know they are fresh...they are organic....they are happy chickens...
so they produce yummy eggs!

This is my guilty pleasure lately.
I have followed the Pioneer Woman for a very long time. I love her! I love the way
she writes. I love the food she cooks and I love how she makes her life on a ranch look so
glamorous. I guess at times I feel like she is writing about my life. She loves her life
and that makes it even more enjoyable to read what she writes. He book is a great
read. I find myself reading late into the night and every spare moment I have through the
day. It is going to be one of those books that will make me sad when it is finished.
I especially appreciate it on a day like today....;)
*Just as a "historical" note (for the journal) The State of New Mexico, has declared
a state of emergency because of the weather. This morning, with the wind chill, it was 26 degrees below 0. Electricity and gas are scarce and another storm will arrive in the
next day or so. Very unusual weather!


  1. Wow, that is so cold for you! It's crazy. I'm freezing here in Utah, as well. Your chickens are happy! Yummy fresh and healthy eggs!!!

  2. It has been freezing here also (and by that I mean 40 during the day!) I know I have no right to complain but as I have gotten older I've realized I don't like being cold!


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