
February 28, 2011

THE Papers.....

The weekend started out looking like this.....
And very quickly turned out looking like this.....
The Boy's missionary "papers" are nearly complete.
We spent Friday morning getting x-rays, blood work, shots and
papers signed by the Dr. who says The Boy is physically ready for a mission.
One of The Boy's dear friends...since they were toddlers....Dane,
also joined us for Fridays mission prep events. I think the best part was the two young men
getting their shots up to date...and the extreem joy that was shown by the nurse who
administred the shot. She had way too much fun!
Just a couple of more steps and the papers will be on their way....that is if The Boy
can catch a moment with the Stake President;)
(a.k.a The Farmer)

Our lives are full of missionaries right now....
They are often in our home....the talk to The Boy daily and he is very often giving them
rides to where they need to go. I am grateful for them, for their presence in his life
right now, they are allowing him a glimpse into his near future. I am praying for
lots of strengh right now.....I don't want to cry too much...but it is hard. I was doing great until
I ready this article......HERE......about a family who just said good-bye to their son
for two years. The pictures are so can feel the emotions of the family.
The Boy has some great experiences headed his way....


  1. he's sooo handsome....maybe we can comfort each other....though tj doesn't leave till next year.
    by then you'll be maybe you can comfort ME!!

  2. Shelley...this is coming way too fast! I can't believe you are on the verge of having a missionary. I'm sure he will be awesome but my heart hurts a little for you too!

  3. Chantz is suppose to text our Stake President today to remind him to submit I am not reading that article yet. Hard to believe the time is so close!

  4. Glad to see you are continuing the tradition of Mom's pre-mission smothering :)

    Hopefully he will not recreate the "be mean to Mom making the goodbye so much easier" tactic used by at least one of his uncles.

  5. HAHA I love Ben's comment. I cried like a baby when I read C. Jane, too. It's crazy that it's almost time for Bubs to go. He's going to be amazing and soooo dedicated. I know it. Love you, sis. Come up here and lets go get some sushi.

  6. I love your blog, so very much. Please go to mine when you get a chance and read about my son's homecoming. It is quite joyful..I went through 3 farewells...and 3 homecomings....nothing in my life prepared me for how hard saying goodbye would be. However as soon as they left the spirit took over and I survived....


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