
March 7, 2011

Prom Weekend......


It was Jr. Prom time again this past weekend.....
and even though we don't have a Junior this year...we do have to beautiful nieces that
are Juniors, so it was an important one for our family.
PreShie invited a group of young men to go with her.....the started the "date"
with lunch at school Friday. The Farmer and I loaded the car and headed to the school
where we served up a tasty lunch to all of the dates...a few teachers...and some wandering
cousins! It is always great fun to have lunch with The Darlings!


Next...PreShie got herself all prettied up....she looked very cute;)....and
gathered her dates and headed for Taco's Rosas for dinner.

The Boy entertained 4 lovely young ladies.....which made him happy!

Once at the dance The Boy found his darling cousins....and hugged them!
Their floor show was very well done, and it was obvious they were having a wonderful time.
The best part of the that the parents are invited and the kids don't mind!
The cousins looked beautiful and their parents beamed with love and pride!

More cousins....we are minus our Missionary cousin who is in Argentina at the moment,
but we added another cousin to the mix....who is now old enough to attend.

Aunts....Uncles....and cousins....
(the lighting was terrible for dark!)


It was a great evening! On the way home The Farmer and I stopped for a bite to eat...
we found more cousins....and joined them for some great
conversation and yummy food...when we were close to finishing...another set
of family members showed up! We are so luckly to live by so much family!
Next, year it will be PreShie's turn for her Jr. Prom.....she has already
started looking for her dress.......ahhhhh......


  1. What a great time! Your kids look beautiful!

  2. Thanks for posting these pictures. I love Prom time! Victorias dress is absolutely darling.


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