
May 20, 2011

"Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?.....

(Photo by Kim Skinner)

I took my love and I took it down
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
'Till Landslide brought me down

Oh mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Mmm mmm I don’t know
Mmm mmm
Mmm mmm

Well I’ve been afraid of changing ‘cause I
Built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older, I’m getting older too

Soo (Interlude)
I’ve been afraid of changing ‘cause I
I built my life around you
But time makes you bolder, children get older
I’m getting older too
I’m getting older too

Soo take this love, take it down
Ohh if you climb a mountain and you turn around
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down, down
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills,
Well maybe, the landslide will bring it down
Well well the landslide with bring it down
(Stevie Nicks)

I heard that Stevie Nicks song a few days ago....I haven't heard it for years.  I have always liked the song
but this time it spoke to me.  I guess it is a little of how I am feeling right now.  Life is so good....
I wouldn't have it any other way....but it is changing...and I have really wondered how I will adapt
to the "changing ocean tides" in my life.  I really never have liked change.  I really enjoy the predictable,
knowing what to expect.  The Farmer in the otherhand likes the unexpected.  He has taught me to
embrace that in my life.  I love him for that.  But I don't think either of us is looking forward to this next
stage of our lives and the changes it will bring for us. 
 We have LOVED having our kids around us!  We have tried to soak up every
moment with The Darlings.  Some days have been easier than others...
......some days have been happier than others..
but the bottom line is they fill us with joy...and we love them more than they will ever underand.

Lately our days are so full...activities most every night...projects for responsibilities....
The days seem like they are passing faster than usual....and we find ourselves holding a little tighter
to each other....choosing to be home, and together when there is a choice.  Soaking it all up!

The Darlings are finishing up school assignments....preparing for tests.....The Boy's thoughts are on
graduation right now....and the lovely dinner that will follow.  Yesterday the last Missionary meeting,
at the high school...was held.  The lunch was so tasty...the messages were inspiring...lots of
"final advice" was given to this group of missionaries that will be leaving right after graduation.
And, the young men seemed to linger after the meeting was over, knowing that another door
is closing.  Many of them have recieved their mission calls, and many are in the mail. 
Two more will open their calls tonight.
It really is such a wonderful time.....

We have started gathering family information for The Boy to take into his mission with him.  Stories
of faithful ancestors who prepared the way for us.  He will be in the very area of so many
of our ancestors.  I makes me wonder what great experiences are meant for him. 
He is so interested in each story and feels a great sense of belonging already.  We talk alot.....The Boy is
fun to visit with.  We talk about white shirts.....great he will need to take his own salsas with
him to we are all hoping a praying for an amazing first companion, who is most likely
in the mission field waiting for him.  We talk about his dream of having a barn built while his is gone, so
when he returns he can work with his beloved horses.....
.....we talk about alot of things these days...and I love it!

So, although everything is changing...we adapt....we redefine...and move ahead, excited for
all the future holds for our family!


  1. very sweet.
    I love your family.
    That has always been a favorite song of mine.

  2. I love that song too, and now that I'm a mother, I can totally relate to its message! Like my mom-in-law always says about raising kids, "Best time of your life!"

  3. I never heard that song but I can see how Moms can relate to it.

    Your boys are so handsome and your daughter is beautiful. They glow with love within them. Donna

  4. I used that song last year on a graduation video for my Laurels (Dixie Chicks version). What a lot of exciting changes coming in your lives! Miss you lots!


Tell Me Something Good