
June 9, 2011

Wrapping It Up.....


A local photographer was in charge of capturing the moment when the diplomas were delivered...
and can I just say....he must be the only one left in the world who does not use a digital
camera.  I am sure you can tell by the quality of the photo...and yes...he ran out of film in
the midst of the diploma presentation...the ceremony had to stop while he re-loaded his
camera.  This is where you shout...Viva Mexico!!!
Thankfully The Boy's photo turned out ok.  Elder De Hoyos is handing him his diploma,
he is a memeber of the Mexico Area Presidency.

The JSA graduating class of 2011

The Monday following graduation...The Boy...and a group of friends along with a teacher
from the JSA...who is like a second mother to him....left for Costa Rica.
They will be there for a little over a week.  From what I hear...they are having a wonderful time...and
today they will be doing some service at a little school.  They took school supplies to give to the
school as well.  They will also be visiting the jungle and doing some zip lining.

1 comment:

  1. Farmer's Wife- I wanted to make sure you got my response, but I couldn't get an email, so this will have to do.

    1M (it is the most basic tip, and it is wonderful)
    Ateco 855
    Ateco 867 is great for citric cupcakes
    Bakery Crafts 2D
    The circle tip to get would be Ateco 809 (we use it at the bakery I work at)

    You can't really go wrong with tips as long as you get them large enough. Experiment, watch YouTube videos....

    PS: Not sure I quite understand your bog...The Boy... haha. But Mexico is great! I have tons of family heritage is Colonia Juarez.

    Happy Baking!


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