
September 7, 2011

Back To School...Hamburger Fry....


Although school started a couple of weeks ago....we gathered Monday night for our
Back To School Hamburger Fry....that we have had for many years.
I was most likely the last Hamburger of Summer....the last Summer swim in the pool....
It was a celebration of a great school year to come and a celebration of a
wonderful Summer that we all enjoyed so very much.

These two....insisted that I take their picture...complete with a pose;)

Uncle C. was at the grill....and did a fantastic job feeding the group.
Family Hamburger Fry

The family preparing their hambugers....


The end result....and boy did it taste good!
It is a great thing when the family gathers....It was fun to watch the cousins play...
roll in the grass with the dogs...and soak up the last little bit of Summer.


  1. so sad to say goodbye to summertime!

  2. Hard to believe summer's over! I wish it would just cool off now.

  3. Darling family and another wonderful tradition!
    Here is a dear blogging friend I met several years ago.
    She often hosts the missionaries who serve in her area and always shares a bit of the UK, her talents, testimony and yummy recipes with us.
    Perhaps she will help you also feel some what connected with the good saints in the UK, while Jordan is serving~♥


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