
September 14, 2011

The Temple...


On August 16, The Boy attended the temple for the first time...he had been many times before
with the youth of our ward...but this time it was his experience.  A sweet friend who was
there that night whispered in my ear..."it doesn't get better than this...does it?!"  And she was right!
It was a wonderful experiencef to be there with many of our family memebers to celebrate this
next step in The Boy's life.  It was a great experience for us all....especially The Boy!
PreShie and The Rooster met us outside the temple when we were done...that was pretty special too!
On the way out of the temple...Grandpa S. noticed a VERY large beetle outside the door,
and promptly picked it up and examined it very carefully...that is the scientist in him...
At one point it was put into a glass to be taken home...truthfully I am not too sure
what happened to it...but it was fun to look at!

On our way home...we all met at the Hacienda...a favorite place to have a little
dinner and visit more.  More cousins showed up to show their love and supoort for
The Boy.  It was a very special evening!

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