
October 28, 2011

It 's What He Dreams About......


When he was a little Rooster...he had the complete set of John Deere play
tractors....and he loved everyone of them!
And like the saying goes...
"The bigger the boy.....The bigger the toy...."
Every afternoon when The Rooster returns home from a long day at school...
He immediately locates The Farmer...and plans a trip to the nearest tractor.
Some days it works out for him...and some days it doesn't.
On this particular day...he longed for a tractor....The Farmer wasn't around...and so
The Rooster headed to the Solecito...a small farm close to our house....found
himself a tractor and climbed aboard.  He then called to let me know that he was driving
around...and invited me to come along to admire his "tractor driving skills!"
The sky was beautiful....the leaves on the trees are begining to fall...the colors
in the orchard are golden and beautiful!  It was a fun evening...watching The Rooster
enjoy what he loves such a beautiful setting!


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