
November 8, 2011

The Last Few Days....

I have done alot of this....
This was all in just a few days....
Auntie and the new hubby, had an Open House in Boise...
and a dear brother of mine...and myself...thought it would be fun to visit a place we had
never well as support Auntie. 
I had never been to this part of Idaho and didn't really know what to expect.
I did know, however....thanks to The Farmer...that it was going to be cold...snowing....
and more cold.  When we arrived in was in the midst of snow flurries...and it
was beautiful!  We spent the next day exploring the area....visiting....laughing..(alot)...
and exploring more!  It was a wonderful couple of days and I enjoyed so much...
spending time with a dear brother! 

Boise was just lovely.
We happened upon a Veteran's Day Parade...
a great Farmer's Market....


And some interesting causes that were seeking support.
p.s. it was a very interesting group of people who were signing the petition....and let's just say
they didn't look too sick to me....they looked pretty healthy and pretty happy!;)
The parade was well attended.  It reminded me how very much we do owe to
out Veteran's.  The open house was was wonderful to have long lost cousins arrive...and
even though years have is always the same...wonderful, supportative and just
a really great time!!  It was so great to catch up and commit to not loose touch again!
I was home for almost 24 hours...long enough to wash some clothing...and pack again.
The Grandparents S. arrived to hang out with The Darlings...and off I went again...
And now I am here....yes....again....and
Ahhhhhhhhhh, I do love Chicago!
Mexico.....Texas (El Paso, Dallas).....Kansas City....Chicago.....and in a couple of days...
I will do it all again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Chicago again...Oh, how you love it!

    The farmers market brings out all kinds of hippie causes...they really seem to gravitate toward places like that.
    man that produce looks marvelous!

    yay for family and veterans and parades!


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