
November 29, 2011

Our Thanksgiving...

(our traditional Gratitude Tree)
Thanksgiving was many things for us this year.....It was...
*a very tender letter from The Missionary The Farmer...which invoked many tears..
*a full memory card from the camera of the The Missionary Boy...complete with a couple of short videos;)
*a Thanksgiving breakfast with family we don't see enough....
*a great Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Grandma Vicki....
*a trip to the movies Thanksgiving night...with all the cousins
*great conversation and great food shared with "The Brotherhood" and their wives
(I sure do like those brothers of mine!  They are an impressive group of men!)
*Shopping with PreShie
(found was the most fantastic Christmas dress I think she has ever owned!)
*a couple of chance meetings with two very dear friends I haven't seen in years
*another movie with my kids;)
*a special temple sealing where a cousins new baby was sealed to her and her husband
(it was the most delightful experience I have had in awhile...what a special little baby!)
*an early morning trip to the temple for baptisms...for the Darlings and their cousins,
followed by a yummy breakfast...
It was the perfect Thanksgiving weekend...filled with wonderful family...incredible food...
and a lot of gratitude for it all!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds perfect.
    What movies? My kids saw The Muppets and Hugo. They loved them both. Hugo the most.
    Who were the 2 friends you bumped into? Anyone I know?
    A thanksgiving breakfast and Dinner--Yum!


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