
December 13, 2011

What I Know...For Sure.....

Today I spent some time at the temple with The Farmer...It was the best!
On our way home we stopped by "The Farm" to check on things...It rained some during the night
last night...and again this morning, everything was wet and beautiful.  When it was time
to leave "The Farm" we were gifted with this amazing rainbow...I know it is a little off center...
but when you look carefully at the far right of the will see a double rainbow!
The colors were so vibrant..I haven't seen one like this in a very long time....
It was a treat!
These are a few things I know for sure....
*I really like that Farmer of mine!!
*I am not afraid of change...
*"Love few...and always paddle your own canoe..."
*I have faith
*I love Christmas...and everything about it!!
*I am missing my Missionary Boy like CRAZY!!!
*I am counting the days until I get to talk to the Missionary Boy...;)
*Our Christmas "goodie" plates are done!!!...we did salsa and chips this year...
*There are few people in the world who think of others before they think of themselves...
*I believe in Karma...oh yes I do!!;)
 And there it is...the list of things I know for sure in this very moment...
(I know alot more...but I thought some of it would be best kept to myself!..hehe..)


  1. Beautiful picture! I am so looking forward to "the call" on Christmas. You are much better about accepting change than I am!

  2. Wow that is beautiful.

    Sounds like you've learned and know some very valuable information!


Tell Me Something Good