
January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve...

Christmas Eve began with the pre-phone call from The Missionary hear his voice!
Oh how I miss him!....I sure am glad he is...where he is!  He sounded great!
And then the cooking began....our traditional Christmas Eve meal is Pozole'.....which takes all
day to make...but very much worth the time!
We met at the church for the traditional ward Christmas party...where Santa makes an
appearance.  There were so many visitors this year...and so the cultural hall was full.  It was so fun
to visit and catch up with people we don't get to see very often....and it was even more fun to
watch the children when Santa arrived.  Next we headed to Grandma Christine's for dinner and
the cousins gift exchange.
Opening the gifts was complete chaos...but so much fun!  Everyone was just delighted with
their gifts...and the cousins who gave the gifts were equally excited!
The Pozole' was so yummy!
The soup is topped with cabbage, onion, cilantro, avocado, radishes and lemon.....
The soup was nearly finished off....
We also enjoyed more yummy tamales!
It was a great evening....
We returned home to end Christmas Eve by opening the traditional Christmas Pj's...
followed by a spiritual message to make sure we remember why we celebrate Christmas.
The Darlings had a hard time settling down...which made it hard for Santa to come....;)
Santa finally arrived...and we were able to settle down and get to sleep.

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