
January 23, 2012

The Rooster's Eagle Project.......

The Rooster's plan has been in the works for a good while...we got a little distracted last year with getting
The Missionary Boy off on his mission....but we can now is done!!!
Saturday morning the youth of our ward met at the cemetery, which is owned by
the plant trees that have died...when he first counted how many trees he would need,
he came up with 80-100...he actually ended up planting 215 trees!
He did a great job planning....everything was taken care of before hand...the only thing we
were scrambling to find at the last moment was shovels...and that was just a lack of
communication....not lack of planning;)

The Rooster organized a team of men to dig the holes before the actual day of the activity.
They have a special thing that fits on the back of a tractor that acts like a drill bit, and makes digging
215 holes much more pleasant than if they were dug with a shovel.  The youth planted each
tree...and a water truck followed behind, and The Rooster water each and every one of the newly
planted little pine trees.  He will return next week for another watering.

The youth enjoyed begin together...they did a ton of work!  Along with planting the trees...they
picked up garbage, big stumps that had been removed and large rocks that were getting in the way.
It ended up being an entire trailer of debris.  Certainly you cannot work that hard without a juice and
doughnut Break...especially if they are Krispy Kreme doughnuts!  I had been in El Paso the day before and
brought back 6 dozen for the working crew to enjoy....and enjoy they did!!
After the activity we headed to a local burrito place that is a favorite...
and 70 burritos later...the working crew were all fed and happy.

I really do appreciate the attitude of the youth in our area.
They didn't complain...or I should say I didn't hear them complain...;)....
they love The Rooster and seemed happy to help with the project.
They worked really hard...had alot of fun...and made us proud!
They all said thank you for the treats...and for lunch....and I think if they had to
do it all again...they would!  They are great kids!!
One of the leaders said something like...hunger is a good means you worked hard!
They were tired and hungry....and happy!
The Rooster came home and after feeding and watering the horses...he spent the
rest of the day asleep on the couch!  I know he was relieved that it was all over....
Way to go Rooster!!!
**as soon as he receives his Eagle....he will also receive two palms for all of the extra
merit badges he has completed!**

1 comment:

  1. What a great Eagle Scout Project! I'm sure Uncle Merriner thinks this is amazing. He worries a lot about the cemetery! I hope there will be WATER to keep those beautiful little trees alive!


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