
February 5, 2012

Saying Good-bye.....

Last week, The Farmer's Grandma passed away.
She was 97 1/2 years old.
Grandma Elma had lost her sight....lost her hearing, but never lost her grace and sense of
humor!  She was not demanding...until the day she died, she was gentle and sweet.
The Farmer's Mother has been with her for several weeks, along with her sisters, they cared
for their Mother with great love and respect.
We returned today, from spending several days with family in Thatcher, AZ....celebrating the life
of a grandma who was so loved and revered by a family that she loved and nurtured for many
years.  Even the littlest of grandchildren felt loved by her.  Before his mission....The Missionary Boy loved to spend a time in Thatcher with a special cousin that he loves dearly.  Whenever he was in town, he would stop by to visit Grandma Elma, always asking if she had something that needed to
be repaired...and if the answer was yes...he would get to work and fix what he could.  She would
reward him with a plate of brown rice and beans....and while he ate...she would talk to him...
she would love him...she would offer bits of advice...and he LOVED his visits with her.
He said that each time he would arrive to see her...she would hold his face in her hands and say...
"Oh...(Missionary Boy) are the most  handsome young man ever!"
and The Missionary Boy would laugh and say to me..."Mom...Grandma is blind!"  and
then he would smile.  She was good to that Missionary Boy...and he loved her!
The last few days have been the most wonderful family reunion.....cousin fest ever!
The funeral service was perfect!
Memories were shared...the music was beautiful....some tears were was just what she
would have wanted!  Her posterity is a tribute to her goodness.
After the service and visit to the cemetery...we enjoyed a yummy lunch at the church..
Again...just being together was a treat!
Later that evening we....attended a small town basketball game....(to watch a cousin play)
we saw a movie....the cousins had some good small town fun!

Saturday we traveled to Mt. Graham in search of snow, which we found and which the
cousins enjoyed to the fullest with the help of an ice chest!;)
And then we ended the day with dinner...with more was great!
It really was a weekend dedicated to family....and the life of an exceptional Grandmother!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate life with those you love.

    i hope that when the effects of age wear on me I can be so delightful!


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