
February 15, 2012

Why I Love Valentine's Day....The Cookies!...


There are MANY reasons that I love Valentine's Day....I love the colors of the day...I love
all the fun traditions that we have established around the day...
and I just love the idea of LOVE for one complete day!
Sunday evening...after The Rooster's Board of Review for his Eagle Scout Award...
The cousins arrived ready to decorate sugar cookies and make a Valentine craft to take home.
They each had one large sugar cookie...and all the frosting and sprinkles you could imagine...
to make those cookies beautiful and yummy!  For some of the cousins...unlimited access to sugary
items is almost more than they can handle..;)...they LOAD those sugar cookies with frosting...sprinkles...
candy and whatever else they can find...and end up with a very very heavy cookie..but they
enjoy every moment!  While the decorating was going on...a rousing game of basketball was happening,
thankfully the group moved the breakable items out of the way....
In the kitchen...the Mom's and kids were chatting...and decorating...and yes...eating
those heavily loaded sugar cookies....when it was time for the cousins to leave...they were all
on a pretty big sugar high.  One of my sister-in-laws said something like...stuff em' with sugar...
and send them home;)  For me that worked our pretty well!  Although I am not sure what happened
once those darling cousins reached their homes;)  I was a fun family evening...when we have moments
like that...I am reminded why we chose to live in this community....
It was the perfect beginning to Valentine's week...the week of ...LOVE....
My creation

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