
April 8, 2012

Pinata's And Cupcakes.....

Pinatas are just a part of life in our neck of the woods...many a pinata has been broken
at our birthday Christmas most any party;)
And why not?
I mean really...what could be better than beating an object...beating it HARD....and
then having candy fall out of reward the beating!  Pretty great...right?!
The most fantastic pinatas are made at the local candy store.  It doesn't matter
what the theme of your party may be...there is a pinata for you!  It is pretty amazing!
The "method" to the pinata goes something like this...
You find the desired pinata...whatever shape...size...or Disney character you may want...
You then cut a hole, carefully, in a non visible then remove some of the
newspaper stuffing, to make a cavity and then fill it will assorted candy.
You then cover the hole with tape so that the candy won't escape too soon...when
the pinata beating begins!  The great thing that I just discovered, is that there are some types
of pinatas that already have a hole prepared, so that loading it with candy is pretty easy!
In a group...such as ours...we have many different ages of little people.  So when
the pinata beating was to begin...we lined up the little people...youngest to oldest...
giving each age group a chance at breaking the candy stuffed object.
Now, another crucial part of the culture of the pinata is the "pinata parts."
There were many years at our home...when The Darlings were little.  That they would
return home, after a birthday carrying some random "part" to the pinata that had been broken
at the party.  Sometimes it was a leg, or an arm...or a if you were really lucky you could
have the head....a trophy of sorts...representing your participation in the pinata
"beating."  I made the grave mistake a few times, when The Darlings were small, of actually
removing the pinata "parts," that were carefully hidden under beds...and thrown them into
the trash.  Silly me...I thought they were trash...but noooooooooo, they were
beloved trophies....and upon discovery of the "parts" in the trash...there was much
crying...screaming....and some seriously broken hearts.  Never dispose of pinata "parts"
without consent from the owner....NEVER!
Thankfully we are past that time in our home...but it does make me smile to see the little people
proudly carry their "parts" home with them;)
After the little people have had their turn...then it moves to the bigger people...
and it isn't long until the pinata is broken.....
Spreading the candy all over the ground.
At this point...people of ALL ages then dive into the group...hoping to get themselves a
big handful of yummy candy!
And this is what you are left with!
It was great fun to end the Annual Easter Picnic/Egg Hunt with the breaking
of the pinata!  I think the whole group of cousins left filled to the brim with
candy...both in their stomachs...hands...and Easter Baskets.
It was the perfect ending to a lovely evening at the farm.
Easter Picnic/Egg Hunt Menu
Potato Salad
Baked Beans
Cupcakes - (and they were really cute!!!)
IMG_8081 - Copy


  1. who knew there was so much to know about the fun of Pinata's?

    Those are quite impressive cupcakes!

  2. I just love visiting your blog, Shelley! You always have such GREAT pictures and I love seeing what's going on down home :)

  3. We even enjoy beating a pinata, clear up here in Utah! My kids still love to bring home the trophy body parts and prance around with them. I can totally relate to this whole story. I love it.

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