
May 9, 2012

The Rooster Is an Eagle!!.....


Congratulations to The Rooster who is now and Eagle Scout!! And The Mom...breathes a big sigh of relief! He will be awarded one week before his 15th birthday...which is fun too;) The Rooster has completed enough merit badges to qualify for a Gold and Silver Palm...after he waits his time requirement. His only goal in beat his brother...The Missionary Boy!
And it did help keep him motivated;)


The Rooster does NOT like to have his picture taken...unlike the other two Darlings who live in our house... when you mention "photo shoot" he quickly disappears. Last night, PreShie was kind enough to take a few pictures...all the while, The Rooster was complaining and squirming.

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After all was said and done...she took some really cute pictures of The Rooster!


Way to go Rooster...we are proud of you!!!


  1. Congratulations Riley! I'm proud of you for working so hard and setting a good example for Wyatt.

    Love you,
    Uncle Matt

  2. not even 15 and got his Eagle...way to go! That's a Big Deal! Congratulations!


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