
May 30, 2012

A Round-Up For.....1....


Due to a recent series of events...(the birth of Violet the Longhorn...) It came to our attention that we had not done the proper "cattle" thing...and "fixed" Chencho, our Bull calf that was born over a year ago.  What started as a couple of pets...has turned into a herd, and there are just certain things you must do when you have a herd of Longhorns.  The Farmer comes from a ranching family, he spent a good part of his life on one or another of his father's ranches...participating in round-ups...fixing fences...and everything else that goes along with the care and keeping of a ranch. He has said many times...that he wasn't cut out to be a Rancher...he feels too bad when it is time to "fix" and brand the calves, and then ship them off for slaughter.   So, surprise...surprise...when he decided that it would be fun to own a couple of Longhorns.  I think he didn't really plan on them re-producing;)
I have been asking The Farmer...for awhile...what we were supposed to do with Chencho the Longhorn Bull...he is growing up, and like one of the men who work for us so profoundly said...
"Chencho is ready to do his work as a bull...."
"Oh dear..." I said, and made a quick call Uncle Penguin...who is also a Rancher.
He said he would send his best Cowboy to take care of the issue of Chencho.
Saturday would be the day...
I must admit, it made me a little sad to think of Chencho becoming a steer.
Actually, our whole office began to mourn for Chencho.
The Farmer had church meetings on Saturday...and so did The Darlings....that left me
and around 10 make sure Chencho was taken care of.  My part was just to make sure
everything was photo documented;)  The Cowboy's thought that was pretty funny, until I told
them the pictures were for The Missionary Boy...and then they were quite pleased.
The Cowboys decided that they would use The Muneca...The Missionary Boys beloved horse, to rope
Chencho.  I don't think she was too happy about fact...I am sure she wasn't too happy about
that.  The cowboys took The Muneca from her pasture....away from the other horses, including her colt...Reina...and they began to saddle her.  She wasn't happy.  Reina wasn't happy.  Reina began
to call to her in circles...cry some around and around....and the
more she ran and yelled...the more The Muneca got upset too!
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The Muneca decided she should just cooperate...and off she went to work.
It was great to see her being ridden...she is a pretty horse!
It made me miss The Missionary Boy.

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So, now the horses are the Cowboy's built a little fire....the branding iron was
carefully placed in the center of the wood, so that as the fire burned the branding iron would heat
up.  Just a side note...we don't require the workers to wear matching shirts;)...They are brothers,
and I guess they thought it would be fun to match for the round-up!  Ha!
About now the special "team"of seasoned Cowboy's show up...the ones that Uncle Penguin sent...
and after everyone greeted each other...the plan was made.  The fire was lit...Reina is all the while
crying and crying...The Muneca is calling back to her...and now Chencho the Longhorn Bull...(who
is about to become a steer)...gets the idea that something terrible is about to happen...and he begins
to cry.  I think the word is actually beller...but it was a sad a worried cry. 
 The men all laughed...they thought it added to the entertainment...
and it was then that the real fun was about to begin....


1 comment:

  1. It's funny how certain things make you miss your missionary....kind of like death...but better! ;)

    You just all have a good ol' time on that living, and breathing farm with fur, poop, Mexicans and everything!


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