
June 29, 2012

A Changing Of The Guards.....


We have been traveling...again...we arrived at our final destination late last night..very tired and ready for a much needed "breather" from life. But as life goes...along the way...many things came up, both good and challenging. Sometimes just a new location can be a rest, and we are ready to soak it up. This morning...early...I heard my phone making alot of noise...the noise of emails coming in, I grabbed it to see what had arrived, and to my surprise The Missionary Boy had been able to write because of transfers yesterday. It is always a complete joy to hear from him.
 Today he sent a few pictures! DSCN0109 (1)

The missionary he finished training, before his transfer to Crawley...was called as a trainer, and he arrived to the mission home to pick up his new missionary. The Missionary Boy sure loves Elder von Allmen...I think they will be dear friends..."brothers"....forever. Elder von Allmen will be an amazing trainer...and the Missionary Boy is thrilled that his "posterity" is growing;) DSCN0108 (1)

Today there will be a literal changing of the guards in the England London South Mission...
Pres. and Sis. Shamo will leave for home...and Pres. and Sis. Millar, will begin their service to that great mission. The Missionary Boy is both sad and thrilled. Sad to see the mission president that he loves so much, leave...and thrilled for the new experiences
that are ahead of him with a new mission president.


  1. Bubba is looking well fed! It makes me happy to see him loving the life of a missionary! I hope you made it safe and sound to UT and are enjoying life there. Dinner and a show? Love you, Shell!

  2. Gotta keep things moving and exciting! Sounds like things are going great!

  3. In our mission, Elder Jones would be saying that he is now a Grandpa!
    I've been feeling bad for all the new mission president's. That first year is pretty rough. Glad to have it behind me. Not that we're pro's or anything, just a little more experienced! Enjoy where ever you are!

  4. still waiting on TJ to send us a memory card. The few pics I posted were from his companions camera.

    Your boy looks sooo good and so very happy! Isn't it great!?


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