
June 4, 2012

Missionary Monday....Here's Your Sign...

Dirty shoes 

On Saturday night we attended a missionary activity at the church. The local missionaries had worked really hard, and put together a really nice presentation about Family History. I thought it was really sweet, and felt an extra need to support The Elders, hoping that my Missionary Boy, would be supported in his efforts. During the activity...I looked down at the Elders shoes...nudged The Farmer so he would look too. He said..."do you think The Missionary Boy's shoes get that dirty, walking the streets of London??" My heart felt really tender for these young men, who walk for miles and miles...searching for those who want to know The Lord. Those shoes are the sign of very hard working missionaries! They are badges of honor!

1 comment:

  1. I rarely post comments, but this was too good not to. It brought tears to my eyes.
    We participated in an apron swap years ago and I still read your blog.
    Funny story...My oldest daughter has plans to marry the missionary. And for her sister to marry the missionary's brother. Summer (oldest daughter) reads your blog, too. She was so disappointed that she missed missed seeing the missionary at EFY last summer, she attended the following week. And she was at the Manti Pageant the night AFTER you were there.
    We mostly just joke about the whole thing. But secretly we are jealous of your tight knit family and community and all of the adventures that you have.
    You are a fantastic writer & photographer. Thanks for entertaining us.
    PS. we pray for your missionary.


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