
July 25, 2012

Is A Mother Ever Prepared For Days Like Today???

There isn't much a Mom can do, to prepare for days like today.
But..he is ready...
Sending you my dear friend...a big hug today!
You have done a great job preparing him for this special day!
He is going to be awesome!

Bless My Son
Tell me there’s a place in Heaven, where her voice cannot be heard,
Through time and space as a beam of light it travels like a bird Into the ears of the Father
and He looks down on her....


Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone And bring him home,
And until he’s done…Bless my son


To everyone else she knows he’s just another boy gone two years
But to her he’s flesh and blood who seems so far away from here,
So every night that goes by, just before she turns out the lights Heaven hears…


Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone
And bring him home, And until he’s done…Bless my son


Two years away can seem like such a sacrifice,
Funny how two years adds up to ten percent of his life…
Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone And bring him home,
Bless my son!

1 comment:

  1. He'll be busy
    We have a friend there, as well. They told him to prepare to be doing a lot of service. Physical service!
    It will be great!


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