
August 8, 2012



Several years ago, The Farmer grew Sunflowers for a company that was doing some testing in our area. As you can imagine, 50 acres of Sunflowers is an amazing sight. It was perfectly beautiful and that little farm became an "attraction" of sorts. Many people, not from our area, came to see the Sunflowers.


The project came and many farming projects do...and The Farmer was left with some seed. Every year since the Sunflower project, The Farmer plants a small sections of Sunflower seed at a couple of our farms...."just for fun!." (Nacho Libre) I have been watching the plants grow...awaiting the beautiful flowers... thankful that I didn't miss the blooms while we were away in Utah. The last couple of weeks have been a perfect delight! The Sunflowers have been in full bloom and are fantastic!


PreShie and Lola thought it would be fun to do a photo shoot in the Sunflower patch...and they were right! It was some good fun, and they ended up with some incredible pictures!


PreShie got a little something in her eye...and Loly was happy to help her get it out!

036sunflowers 058edt


  1. Holy Smokes! That last image.
    Hide that girl in your house and never let her out! ;)
    Her eyes are crazy beautiful!
    Love those earrings.

    And those sunflowers...well they are just a star-burst of happy!

  2. Holy Smokes! That last image.
    Hide that girl in your house and never let her out! ;)
    Her eyes are crazy beautiful!
    Love those earrings.

    And those sunflowers...well they are just a star-burst of happy!


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