
September 25, 2012

A Family Reunion - Part 1 - The Farmer's Art Class...


A couple of weeks ago...we headed to the mountains of Arizona for a family reunion. It worked well for us, as it was a holiday weekend in Mexico, and The Darlings didn't have to miss school. That was a really good thing! We met the "Mesa Family" at Tenny Ranch...a great reunion location owned by some cousins. We began planning the event a few months ago, and first and foremost on the requested list of activities was The Farmer's art class. When I told him that the he had been so highly requested...The Farmer was secretly quite thrilled. There is nothing he loves more than a good art project! So he was pretty happy to do his rock painting event once again!


A special trophy was made for the winner of the art competition...that was one lucky child that got to take the shell people home!! The Farmer requested that the trophy be displayed in a focal point,in the home of the art winner. The little man that won was going to make sure it was proudly displayed;) I told his Mom...I was really sorry about the instructions from The Farmer...but she was a great sport!;)


Special supplies were also purchased for the art class. In fact, after traveling down a few isles at Michael's Craft Store...the cart was pretty full...thanks to The Farmer...and when we went to check out, and he saw the total of the items...he quickly said..."what in the heck did you buy????" to which I answered...."really???" And then he realized that HE was the one who "needed" every item so that the art event would be complete
and total success!!

It really did entertain the kids for a very long time. They would take a small break, run around outside....get something to eat...and then they would head back to their art projects...

022028020 A few of the art projects...
It was an even greater success this year! I am not sure how The Farmer is going to top this one;)

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