
October 2, 2012

Messages From The Chalkboard....


The Farmer and I were traveling a few days ago...with our lives sooo busy right now, I do appreciate a little time in the car to just talk. Most often, we talk about our family...(The Darlings)...the good...the bad...and the ugly;) It is a good time for us to solve problems and make plans. So, this particular trip, a major topic of discussion can we help a pretty great 14-16 year old understand that, he still has alot of growing up to do. I think there is something interesting about the ages 14-16...for some reason, most teenagers at this age really feel that they are "all grown up" and that their parents should just step aside...until they need a little $$;) But it is just simply that..."they don't have enough experience to know....that they don't have enough experience!" Which really applies to all of us most of the time as adults. Somewhere during our journey home...The Farmer remembered an experience that he had had as a child that might teach this important concept of "inexperience" to The Darlings...and it was genius!

When The Farmer was a Young Farmer, he had a horse named Ringo. Ringo was a good horse, easy to ride and good with kids...he wasn't too spirited. One of The Farmer's brothers said the beloved horse was plain lazy;) On the other hand, The Farmer's brother had a horse named Campeon (Champion), who had a little touch of Quarter horse in him, and was quite spirited. Many an afternoon, the Young Farmer...a brother or two...and maybe a couple of friends...would saddle their horses and head to the roping area, with The Farmer's Father. The Farmer's Father LOVED to rope and was good at it too, so a good part of The Farmer's childhood was at the roping arena. The horses weren't always happy to go to the roping arena...they knew it meant work. The Farmer says that they would slowly plod their way down the shady lane to the roping area, they knew what was ahead of them.  Sometimes the horses would require that the young riders  break a small branch from a tree to offer some encouragement to move a little faster all along the way, but the riders persisted until they arrived at the arena. Once there...they would spend hours riding horses and chasing steers. When they were done roping...the seemingly tired horses suddenly became alert and energetic as they knew it was time to head home. 

One particular day, The Farmer's Father assigned him to be in charge of getting the horse Campeon home. The Farmer remembers that he didn't enjoy riding Campeon too much, because of his spirit...he was hard to handle. Nonetheless...he did as his Father asked and climbed onto the back of an anxious horse. They took off down the narrow dirt road headed for home...Campeon began to throw his head around tyring to break the hold the Young Farmer had on the reins. He did it over and over...until the Young Farmer became tired and softened his grip on the reins a little. Once he relaxed his hold Campeon began to run a little faster...and then a little faster...with all his might, pulling the reins as hard has he physically could, it became very clear to The Young Farmer that there was literally nothing he could do to slow Campeon, all he could do was hold on tight...and that he was in a bit of trouble. The trouble was this...he was on the back of an out of control horse headed to the end of a dirt road, where there was a cattle guard. It wasn't too long after The Young Farmer's realization that Campeon too realized he had a pretty big problem.


Campeon had been on this road MANY times...he knew what was at the end of the road, but in his clouded state of mind...he had forgotten about the cattle guard. As the cattle guard got closer and closer...Campeon began doing anything and everything to try and stop his momentum...slow his run...slide...but it was too late! And then he jumped...soaring over the cattle guard and landing on the other side in a dead stop. The Young Farmer is still on his back and completely was stunned. In that moment both Campeon and The Young Farmer, were completely out of breath and in a bit of shock, both grateful that they were still alive. By this time The Farmer's Father had realized what was happening, and was racing down the dirt road in his fast as it would go...hoping not to find a horrible accident at the end of the drive. Grateful that everyone was ok...The Farmer's Father encouraged The Young Farmer to continue his ride home...and to hold tight to the reins. Which he did;) Once home from our trip, The Farmer began his drawing of "the incident" so it would be there waiting for a young 14-16 year old;) when they arrived home from school. As The Farmer recounted the story, the young 14-16 year old...sat on the edge of his chair...hanging on every word The Farmer said. The Farmer then explained the need for a bridle...that it is not only for guidance, but it is for safety. That if we as parents loosen our is likely that the 14-16 year old might take off on a full run...headed for disaster...and it will too late to stop them. That, as much as the young 14-16 year olds don't like a "bridle" it is for their protection...and then The Farmer said...
"please, please...don't fight the bridle!"
The message was clear...and it was understood.


Yesterday our local missionaries arrived for breakfast. They asked about the drawing, and I told them the story. Later that evening they returned to pick some things up and one of the Elders said..."I heard that in my mind...all day long..."Don't fight the bridle"...I needed that message! I guess it really applies to any age and many circumstances..but I am especially grateful that the message made sense to a young 14-16 year old who is growing and learning...and thankfully still listening;)


  1. Thanks for sharing...wise message for us all.

  2. I love the messages from the chalkboard! They are wise and very needed for all of us! Sure love you guys!


Tell Me Something Good