
October 15, 2012

Missionary Monday.....

The Farmer and I returned home last night from a quick trip to Mexico City...I will post about that during this week. The Grandparents S. have been here with The Darlings for a few days, which I REALLY appreciated! This morning...(like every Monday) first stop was  the computer to see what the Missionary Boy had to say;)...this morning I was thrilled to find several pictures;) You know it is going to be a great day when lots of pictures arrive!
The baptism of Shelby...
RSCN7370 (1) DSCN7427 100_0611 (1)
A very dear friend was in England on business and took the time to find The Missionary Boy and take he and his companion out for dinner. It was such a treat for the Missionary Boy...and an even bigger treat for the Mom;) I so appreciated the pictures and the report from Doug!
100_0610 The Missionary Boy...and Elder Snow


  1. I love these so much! Bubba looks fantastic and HAPPY!!! Love you.

  2. alright, good for, TJ HAS GOT to get on the picture taking....this is ridiculous!

    Jordan does look great and wow, missions are just the best--i'm so happy that he's happy!


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