
October 18, 2012

PreShie...You At 18....

Dear PreShie...
You are 18!!! How did that happen???
  It seems just like yesterday,that Dad and I found out that we were going to have a little, time just passes tooooo fast! When your brother held you in his arms for the first time...he patted you so softly and announced..."Babe"...and you have been our "Babe" ever sense.
I love that you are fiercely loyal to your family and those you love. You are an amazing sister and friend to your brothers. They know that you will do just about anything for them. I think that you know that about them too! I love that you can tease your brothers, or get mad at them...but if someone else are the first to champion their cause. Together you are a great team...just like Grandma Vicki has always called you..."the three little foxes." You have a great sense of family and your dearest friends are your family...that is an extra special gift you have. I love that!
I love that you are a great friend. That you listen to and support your friends in whatever their happy or sad times might be. I love that they trust you and share their greatest fears and their greatest joys with you. I love that you support your friends and help them to achieve their goals.
I love your strength. You have been amazingly strong since you were a little girl. You have always had strong ideas and big plans, and you have an amazing way of making them happen. You are not afraid, you are willing to do whatever is necessary to see your goals achieved. You are driven! That is a great characteristic.
I love how creative you are. You paint take amazing photographs...your writing ability something very special...whatever you do, you do it beautifully! You inherited that creativity from you Dad...he sees that in you and it makes him happy;)
I love your commitment and belief in the Gospel...and that when the age limit for missions was screamed because you were so happy that serving a mission would come sooner than you thought it would. You will be a wonderful missionary!
I love your kindness and love for little children...especially those who may have special needs. They touch your heart and you love them unconditionally. They love you too!
  They can sense your love for them.
I love that the beauty of the world thrills you! I love that you notice clouds in the sky...and the moon on a very dark night. That you notice beautiful flowers, and leaves changing. I love that you share what you observe with me!
PreShie...thanks for choosing to be our daughter...Dad and I love you more than you will ever are an amazing young woman, beautiful on the inside and on the have been a complete joy to us, your parents! Here's to the future and the wonderful things that are yet to come!!!
I love you with all my heart


  1. She's beautiful--hard to believe it goes so fast!

  2. Thanks for the cry, Shell! :) I can hardly see the keyboard to type. Preshie is an extremely special girl! You have amazing kids and I am thankful for the friendship I have with them. Love you and love Presh.

  3. just look at her!

    such a beautifully written post.
    what a blessing- your sweet daughter.
    a relationship you will cherish forever!


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