
November 29, 2012

Christmas Is On The Way!!!...


One of the funnest things of having the Missionary Boy on a mission, has been the panning and preparing of the packages that we send to him. The planning for the Christmas package begins very early for me. I guess I need him to know that, although we wouldn't want him anywhere else...we still miss him and think of him very often. I try to mix needs...wants..and a little fun in the packages. And always...I include something for his companion. This year I sent the Missionary Boy a little letter, asking him what he might enjoy or need for Christmas this year. When he wrote back his list looked like this... some jerky for a man in his ward who has helped him alot, some pictures of his horses...and oh yes...the family;) and that is about it!


So, we worked hard to package up as much love as we could possibly get into a box!
Treats....hand written letters...funny notes, lots, and lots of love!


Also included was a handmade garland, with messages on each part of the chain from friends, family and cousins. It will be a touch of cheer for his "flat." (apartment)

And off it far away England! Hopefully the Missionary Boy will feel our
love for him this holiday season!

November 28, 2012

Cheer...Rooster...and...Wild Wolves....


It's a sight I just never tire of...the students at the JSA living, playing and learning in the shadow of the temple! Football is over...Watching PreShie cheer this year has been so much fun! It has been great to watch the cheerleaders build friendships and build a strong squad.


The be photographed! I sneak a few photos when he isn't looking;)


His cute friend isn't a fan of pictures either...


The Senior Flash Mod was a hit...even better the second time around!

 photo (28)

If I had to choose a favorite picture of the could possibly be this one! One of the Wild Wolves took a liking to The Rooster...even licking him to see if he would be a tasty morsel! It was the cutest sight ever...and I was sure glad That The Farmer was there to catch the moment!

November 27, 2012



A few notable events in November.... The Rooster wrecked The Farmer's truck. The damage was minimal to both cars. No one was hurt, for which we are very grateful...just the pride of The Rooster. If it had to happened under the best circumstances possible;) And...yes...we are grateful that
ALL things can be worked out in Mexico!;)


PreShie's entire Senior class attended Sadie Hawkins together. So the girls "asked" the guys in a big group too. The came to our house for pieces of the scavenger hunt they were on.
 They are a really great group of young men!!


Turns out...the night of Sadie's was the night of The Rooster's accident. He and a big group of kids were on their way to dinner and then the dance when the unfortunate event happened;)


The Senior class participated in an event they have every year, and Entrepreneur type of competition. Each team has to come up with a product to market and sell, and then they have to do just and sell it! They did a great job, with an incredible concept and ended up winning first place in a couple of the required areas of the competition. They did a great job!!


November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving...And...Missionary Monday!


We had such a great Thanksgiving! We returned home last night from spending a few days with the Grandparents S. and the rest of family. It is always a treat to see the family...we do have a great time together! The Brotherhood (my brothers) are some pretty impressive men! I sure do love them!!


Next Thanksgiving...I will have the Missionary Boy home;) Imagine that!!! The Gratitude Tree came down is always good fun to see what The Darlings write each day. Some days they mock me...I is hard to believe that they would do that...but it does happen! Most days they really do write some heartfelt notes of gratitude. Those are good moments for a Mom;)


It's a little's still The Missionary Boy!!! A great letter today... BIG changes in the mission...and great learning for The Missionary Boy!! Oh how I love missions!!!!


This is what my house looks like most Monday mornings! We love it!!! Today Breakfast = 2 dozen eggs, 4 packages of sausage, 1 gallon of milk, 1 gallon of OJ, 1 loaf of bread for toast, bottled peaches, cinnamon rolls and all the other fixings;) Following breakfast...a little laundry...a friendly game or two of pool or maybe a church movie or two! We sure love having the Elders around!!


November 20, 2012

Homecoming...The Big Game!!....


The Spirit Line is a fun tradition at a JSA Football Game. The students and parents line the path where the football players will run onto the field.


That is PreShie holding one of the "mini" cousins and this one happens to be the family pet;) The poor little thing thinks and acts like she is 18...mostly because the older cousins keep her close by...
and teach her lots of fun "tricks."


The JSA Cheerleaders prepared a really great sign for the players to run through...


It was right about now...that I decided I should move out of the way and forget the pictures!!

The Seniors were honored before the game start...PreShie is waiting her turn...


Oh how we love our PreShie Girl!! She is a force to be reckoned with! There is NEVER a dull moment when she is around. She keep us laughing...she keeps us in line! I love this picture of The Farmer!!


I am not sure what The Farmer was telling his little girl in this moment...but it was probably something like..."PreShie... you used to fit in my hand! and now look at you!" He is tender like that;)


November 19, 2012

Missionary Monday....It's Not Too Late!!!;)


The Grandparents S. checked the mailbox Friday afternoon...and this is what they found!
Word went out to the family...the time was set for the opening...modern technology was put to good use, with family from Mexico, Ecuador, and Snowflake (equally as foreign and exotic and the previous two countries...) all linked in, and Grandma V. opened the envelope...and then after a soft...but audible..."oh no" was heard, she said....Milwaukee Wisconsin!!! The Grandma isn't too fond of cold weather...she is and Arizona girl. The shock has worn off...and they are ready to go!!!
 They will report to the MTC on December 31!!
We are so happy for them and proud of them for choosing to serve a mission!!
This morning, The Missionary Boy sent some fun pictures! He was able to return to a previous area for a baptism of someone he had taught, he as asked to confirm the young was a thrill for him. In another area...was another baptism, again of a young man he had also taught.
  His hard work is paying off!!
Didcot, Oxfordshire, England
The Missionary Boy and Elder Snow, hosted a ping pong tournament last week for their zone. It was a great success! Fun was had by all! There isn't much better for a Missionary Mom, than to receive a few pictures of her Missionary Boy on a Monday morning!!!

November 16, 2012

The Pep Rally.....

046 really haven't lived unless you have attended a Homecoming Pep Rally at the JSA! It is alot of fun!!....and it is REALLY loud.


PreShie spent a little time on the microphone..not her favorite...but she did great!!


The Mighty Seniors!

The Wild Sophomores...including..but not seen...The Rooster!


A "Flash Mob" dance by the cheerleaders and the Senior was great!


A very, very special surprise by The Farmer!
A couple of months ago...while on an afternoon drive, The Farmer decided to show me some real life Lobos...that his good friend was keeping as pets. They are kept in a very large cage, with lots of space to move around...and they are really well cared for...but...they are wild! It was at the moment that The Farmer got the great idea that PreShie should take the Wild Lobos to the school during Homecoming week for the students to enjoy;) Well...I personally wasn't too sure about the idea, because...the combination of teenagers and Wild Lobos...just didn't seem like a good mix! Anyway...The Farmer insisted and put his plan into motion. He had planned to have them ride in the Homecoming Parade...but that didn't work the next best thing was the Pep Rally. He just wasn't too sure how they would behave indoors...
with a group a screaming teenagers....


The Farmer arrived after the Pep Rally had started. He came to the back door of the gym, with the Wild Lobos...and their handler. I had a chance to see them before the rest of the crowd saw them. The handler told me they were tame and so I began to pet the female..whose name is Lilla. Wow, was she sweet! As I was petting her...she started to lick my face...and I am sure as I was thinking about how sweet she was...
she was thinking "lunch!" Not really!;)


PreShie asked the entire student body to be quiet...there was going to be a very special surprise. At that time everyone stopped talking and in walked The Farmer...The Wild Lobos...and the handler. You could have heard a pin drop in that gym filled with teenagers! It was incredible.
They had never seen a "live" Lobo before. It was fun to see their awe.


Can I just say...The Farmer was REALLY enjoying himself!


November 15, 2012

Back To Homecoming...The Parade...

The Homecoming Parade is always a good time! The streets are lined with parents, family and community members. Also anxiously awaiting...along the streets...are small children from the local schools...hoping to catch a few pieces of candy that are thrown from the floats.
The Seniors...(PreShie and friends)
029 031 025
The Rooster...he isn't is happy to have his picture as the other Darlings are... But thankfully I was able to document a small part of his Sophomore Homecoming!