
November 19, 2012

Missionary Monday....It's Not Too Late!!!;)


The Grandparents S. checked the mailbox Friday afternoon...and this is what they found!
Word went out to the family...the time was set for the opening...modern technology was put to good use, with family from Mexico, Ecuador, and Snowflake (equally as foreign and exotic and the previous two countries...) all linked in, and Grandma V. opened the envelope...and then after a soft...but audible..."oh no" was heard, she said....Milwaukee Wisconsin!!! The Grandma isn't too fond of cold weather...she is and Arizona girl. The shock has worn off...and they are ready to go!!!
 They will report to the MTC on December 31!!
We are so happy for them and proud of them for choosing to serve a mission!!
This morning, The Missionary Boy sent some fun pictures! He was able to return to a previous area for a baptism of someone he had taught, he as asked to confirm the young was a thrill for him. In another area...was another baptism, again of a young man he had also taught.
  His hard work is paying off!!
Didcot, Oxfordshire, England
The Missionary Boy and Elder Snow, hosted a ping pong tournament last week for their zone. It was a great success! Fun was had by all! There isn't much better for a Missionary Mom, than to receive a few pictures of her Missionary Boy on a Monday morning!!!


  1. How Exciting for the Grandparents...Best wishes to them!! They look so familiar to us...Perhaps we've seem them in the Snowflake Temple. Happy day!!

  2. this is so exciting!
    Congrats to your ma and pa!
    they are going to be super fantabulous!


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