
November 8, 2012


It has been very busy around here, the last few weeks! I keep telling myself that it is going to slow down and I will have a chance to "catch-up" with blogging. Even though life has not slowed...I am going to do my best to do a little "catch-up!" The JSA celebrated their Homecoming a couple of weeks ago. It was a really fun week...a week full of tradition. Even though it is a very very busy is one of my favorite times of year. This year we tried to really soak up every moment with PreShie and her Homecoming involvement, since it is her last year! The week began with the Senior class, hiking to the "J" that is painted on the side of a mountain that overlooks the High School.
As always...PreShie captured some fantastic pictures!
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She has a great group of friends in her class. I think they are beginning to realize that their days together are fast coming to an end. They really seem to be clinging to each other and really enjoying each other.
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(Celso Gonzalez)

(Kevin Estrada, Sergio Escudero)
*Now for the history part of this post...I was so happy to be able to travel to Deming New Mexico
to cast my vote for Mitt Romney, for President of the U.S.  It was a little trip that we...The Farmer's
Mother, and Aunt M., had planned to take for quite awhile.  It was such a nice experience
for me to exercise my privilege as an American citizen and vote!  Even though I live legally in the
country of Mexico, because I am not a citizen, I am not allowed to vote.  I believe with everything
in me that voting is not only a right of a U.S. is a privilege and should be treated as
just that.  It makes me sad to see so many of the ideals that the U.S. was built on, crumbling as
we stand by and watch.  Another thing that really touched me through this process, was the statement that was released by the LDS church after it was determined that Mitt Romney had lost the election.
The church doesn't often release official statements regarding world events...especially in the
political arena, so this was especially great.  The Darlings each came from school and told me that
they had spent time discussing the elections, and the statement from the church. 
Once all it'simperfections....
I am grateful that The Darlings attend an LDS school and can be taught both spiritual
and temporal issues, under the influence of the Spirit!
Salt Lake City —
The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement Tuesday:
"We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process, which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors."
And so...our prayers increase for the leaders of all nations. 
And as I have said to The Darlings many times in the last few months as they have expressed
a bit of fear for the future and what it may hold....
"Follow the prophet....He knows the way!!"
(I was usually singing the song! hehe...)

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