
December 8, 2012

Missionary Sons....(Plural)...


He came into our lives several years back. The Missionary Boy could see a young man who needed, very simply, a lunch at school each day. He asked if I could make another, after all I was already making lunches for The Darlings. I said sure. And then he became ours. Without a father, and many other family challenges, Mijo was just trying to survive...and he was doing a pretty good job of it. He has a special way with people. He is an extra ordinary young man. As the years passed...we became more and more attached. He to us...and us to him. He became our son. He also became a brother to The Darlings...a brother they needed. He encouraged them. He listened to them. He loved them...and they loved him. They still love him. They will always love him. Mijo and The Missionary Boy both received and opened their mission calls the very same day. They left for the mission field only two days apart, and they will come home together as well! They were meant to be brothers...those two.
  It was always our plan...The Farmer and have a large family.  But what we thought was "our plan" didn't turn out to be... "our plan." I will forever be grateful to Heavenly Father for sending "children" our way...into our home...for us to love. For filling our lives with wonderful family and friends who have very much become our children. Who we love like children.
 Our Mijo is one of those very special people.
 What began as a project to help him, quickly turned and became a project to help us.
  He will forever be our Mijo!
Auntie and her husband have been living in Ecuador for the past several months as directors of an orphanage. The night before they were to leave Ecuador for the States, they had a little time in the city of Quito, the city that our Mijo is currently serving his mission. With the help of some members there, they were able to locate Mijo and spend a few minutes with him. When Auntie sent a brought me to tears! I am so grateful that they were able to see him and give him a very big hug from home. A few days later Mijo sent me this picture (above), it was titled...
"me and Tia Beth" (me and my Aunt Beth). He has taken us ALL as his family.
This week, ...he sent me this photo. It was titled..."Elders Jones" and with it he wrote...
"Mommy, it is me and my brother!!" He had made a little poster with pictures of he and The Missionary Boy. I love how he carefully colored it!! Oh how we love our Mijo!!!
  What an incredible blessing he has been and will continue to be to our family!!


  1. I love the Jona-boy! What a good addition he is to the familia. When we saw him in Quito, he greeted me with lots of carino then turned to Colton and said, "Hi. You are my Tio! I saw a picture of you once!" And they were instantly friends. It made me laugh because he really does have a gift to turn everyone he meets into part of his family. What a good boy!

  2. I promised your "Missionary Boy" I would say Hi from the River Thames and introduce myself! I am Elaine Mathews and my husband Richard and I are the crazy boaters who Elder Snow and Elder Jones visit regularly for DA's in fact they are due again on the 14th. I is great to have them in our home and come to know their wonderful spirit and testimony!

    We saw Elder Jones yesterday at our first Ward Conference as a newly formed Oxford 2nd Ward..and on Friday at the ward Christmas party, where he reported he was being good to Santa and duly received his gift... the Tuesday he was here for dinner a quick Eat-and-Run appointment but just so much fun. He has the biggest smile and is always so positive - we want you to know we consider it a privilege to be able to have him serve here and touch our lives!

    We will say goodnight as it is nearly 10pm whilst we wish you a happy remainder of the day. Look forward to following more of your blog :)

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