
December 21, 2012

A Little Holiday Cheer....


The beginning of the holiday partying...began Monday night for FHE. If left to the adults...I think a few of the holiday activities would be done away with, but...since the kids are really in charge around here... everyday is a holiday party!!!

The family gathered...loaded up and headed into the streets of Dublan, ready to sing a holiday song or two. The Farmer has been very sick, and was a great sport to come along...
even if he stayed in warm car.
We sang some favorite songs...had some laughs and hopefully spread a little Christmas cheer!;)
(Uncle Merriner and Aunt Winnie)
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And when it was all said and done...we ended the evening with some
Hot Chocolate and doughnuts!

December 19, 2012

A "New" Rooster....

I think he thought this day would never come.... In fact...I am pretty sure that he said
 those very words over....and over...and over...
It has been a very long journey...
Yesterday was the day. The Rooster literally ran to his appointment...
And this is how he came home!!! PreShie was sooooo excited for him, that she too went to his appointment with see the final results. When they arrived home...PreShie announced...
"He doesn't look like a little boy anymore!!!"
I think she was kind of sad about that;)
*just a funny side note...after the braces were off, the dentist as trying to make
and impression of his teeth for his retainer.
He loaded the "tray" with the gooey stuff to make the mold and
shoved it into The Rooster's wasn't but just a minute
or two, that the Dr. realized The Rooster was gagging...
he is a gagger, that Rooster;)  The dentist told The Rooster to
breathe through his was too late!
The Rooster threw-up all over himself and the Dr.....twice!
They finally got the impression made...and The Rooster
arrived at home...shirtless!

December 17, 2012

Missionary Monday....24 Years!!!


Shear wedded bliss, I tell you....
Shear wedded bliss!
Here's to the next 24 +...


December 11, 2012

Dinner Appointment....On A Houseboat...


This past week The Missionary Boy sent the SD card from his camera. It is such a treat when one arrives!!!! The Farmer, The Darlings and I sit around the computer analyzing each picture and soaking up each little video clip. Oh what a treat!! The Missionary Boy has told us about a very special couple who have been so kind to he and Elder Snow...his companion. They invite them to dinner often.
 The extra special treat is that the kind family live on a houseboat!


How grateful I am as a Missionary Mom...for people like these...who care for and love our Missionary Boy! He sure does love them the way;)


For The Rooster....


The Missionary Boy has been fantastic about taking pictures on his mission! They will be a treasure to him when he is home...and a few years have passed. They are a treasure to me now!!

The Reading Zone

December 10, 2012

Mistletoe...The Hunt...

The Darlings love it when The Farmer talks about his childhood. He had adventures that kids dream about and mother's worry about. Sometimes I wish he didn't share so gives The Darlings ideas...and justification;) On more than one occasion The Missionary Boy was overheard saying..."This is nothing compared to the things you did as a kid, Dad!" And really, what could The Farmer say???? After all, The Missionary Boy was most often right;) The Farmer's middle name was and sometimes still is...mischief or what he calls...healthy curiosity.
Because Christmas is nearing...The Farmer was reminded of his own youth, at this time of year. He began telling The Darlings about heading to the river, guns loaded, on horseback...on the hunt for Mistletoe. Yes...Mistletoe.
Mistletoe grows abundantly in the tops of the Cottonwood trees that line the river near our home. As soon as the leaves change colors and fall to the ground, it becomes very obvious the large amounts of Mistletoe that is present in each tree.
As a child, The Farmer would spend hours and lots of bullets shooting the Mistletoe from the tree tops and would proudly carry it home to his mother.
Saturday morning, The Rooster announced that he too would like to shoot some Mistletoe from the trees and what time could we leave on the "hunt." After a little breakfast... we loaded into The Farmer's truck, guns...cousins...and PreShie...and headed for the perfect location...The Sol.
The shooting began...the mistletoe began to fall from the tree tops and the back of The Farmer's truck started to fill up with Mistletoe.  After a successful hunt...The Rooster and Cousin D. delivered large
amounts of Mistletoe to The Farmer's Mother...who when shared it will all the family.  Now
hanging in opportune locations in each home...the mistletoe is ready to do it's job...
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December 8, 2012

Missionary Sons....(Plural)...


He came into our lives several years back. The Missionary Boy could see a young man who needed, very simply, a lunch at school each day. He asked if I could make another, after all I was already making lunches for The Darlings. I said sure. And then he became ours. Without a father, and many other family challenges, Mijo was just trying to survive...and he was doing a pretty good job of it. He has a special way with people. He is an extra ordinary young man. As the years passed...we became more and more attached. He to us...and us to him. He became our son. He also became a brother to The Darlings...a brother they needed. He encouraged them. He listened to them. He loved them...and they loved him. They still love him. They will always love him. Mijo and The Missionary Boy both received and opened their mission calls the very same day. They left for the mission field only two days apart, and they will come home together as well! They were meant to be brothers...those two.
  It was always our plan...The Farmer and have a large family.  But what we thought was "our plan" didn't turn out to be... "our plan." I will forever be grateful to Heavenly Father for sending "children" our way...into our home...for us to love. For filling our lives with wonderful family and friends who have very much become our children. Who we love like children.
 Our Mijo is one of those very special people.
 What began as a project to help him, quickly turned and became a project to help us.
  He will forever be our Mijo!
Auntie and her husband have been living in Ecuador for the past several months as directors of an orphanage. The night before they were to leave Ecuador for the States, they had a little time in the city of Quito, the city that our Mijo is currently serving his mission. With the help of some members there, they were able to locate Mijo and spend a few minutes with him. When Auntie sent a brought me to tears! I am so grateful that they were able to see him and give him a very big hug from home. A few days later Mijo sent me this picture (above), it was titled...
"me and Tia Beth" (me and my Aunt Beth). He has taken us ALL as his family.
This week, ...he sent me this photo. It was titled..."Elders Jones" and with it he wrote...
"Mommy, it is me and my brother!!" He had made a little poster with pictures of he and The Missionary Boy. I love how he carefully colored it!! Oh how we love our Mijo!!!
  What an incredible blessing he has been and will continue to be to our family!!

December 5, 2012

The Rooster...And Christmas...

photo (24)
The Rooster is a boy who LOVES Christmas! He is the one who keeps us all committed to the traditions that we put in place years ago. As I began decorating our house, he was sure to let me know, that I had done enough, and that HE would be the one to finish decorating the "Santa" tree.
And he did!!
  photo (26)
Monday night for FHE, he finished the tree, and it is perfection!! He remembers each and every ornament, and asks for the ones that he doesn't find right away. I love that he is thinking and planning gifts for his family and friends. I especially love that he put alot of thought into his gift selection for his Missionary Brother. There is so much more I could write about how enjoys Christmas...but I am sure that he wouldn't appreciate that too much;) So I will simply say...
  I love, that he still LOVES Christmas!!

November 29, 2012

Christmas Is On The Way!!!...


One of the funnest things of having the Missionary Boy on a mission, has been the panning and preparing of the packages that we send to him. The planning for the Christmas package begins very early for me. I guess I need him to know that, although we wouldn't want him anywhere else...we still miss him and think of him very often. I try to mix needs...wants..and a little fun in the packages. And always...I include something for his companion. This year I sent the Missionary Boy a little letter, asking him what he might enjoy or need for Christmas this year. When he wrote back his list looked like this... some jerky for a man in his ward who has helped him alot, some pictures of his horses...and oh yes...the family;) and that is about it!


So, we worked hard to package up as much love as we could possibly get into a box!
Treats....hand written letters...funny notes, lots, and lots of love!


Also included was a handmade garland, with messages on each part of the chain from friends, family and cousins. It will be a touch of cheer for his "flat." (apartment)

And off it far away England! Hopefully the Missionary Boy will feel our
love for him this holiday season!

November 28, 2012

Cheer...Rooster...and...Wild Wolves....


It's a sight I just never tire of...the students at the JSA living, playing and learning in the shadow of the temple! Football is over...Watching PreShie cheer this year has been so much fun! It has been great to watch the cheerleaders build friendships and build a strong squad.


The be photographed! I sneak a few photos when he isn't looking;)


His cute friend isn't a fan of pictures either...


The Senior Flash Mod was a hit...even better the second time around!

 photo (28)

If I had to choose a favorite picture of the could possibly be this one! One of the Wild Wolves took a liking to The Rooster...even licking him to see if he would be a tasty morsel! It was the cutest sight ever...and I was sure glad That The Farmer was there to catch the moment!

November 27, 2012



A few notable events in November.... The Rooster wrecked The Farmer's truck. The damage was minimal to both cars. No one was hurt, for which we are very grateful...just the pride of The Rooster. If it had to happened under the best circumstances possible;) And...yes...we are grateful that
ALL things can be worked out in Mexico!;)


PreShie's entire Senior class attended Sadie Hawkins together. So the girls "asked" the guys in a big group too. The came to our house for pieces of the scavenger hunt they were on.
 They are a really great group of young men!!


Turns out...the night of Sadie's was the night of The Rooster's accident. He and a big group of kids were on their way to dinner and then the dance when the unfortunate event happened;)


The Senior class participated in an event they have every year, and Entrepreneur type of competition. Each team has to come up with a product to market and sell, and then they have to do just and sell it! They did a great job, with an incredible concept and ended up winning first place in a couple of the required areas of the competition. They did a great job!!


November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving...And...Missionary Monday!


We had such a great Thanksgiving! We returned home last night from spending a few days with the Grandparents S. and the rest of family. It is always a treat to see the family...we do have a great time together! The Brotherhood (my brothers) are some pretty impressive men! I sure do love them!!


Next Thanksgiving...I will have the Missionary Boy home;) Imagine that!!! The Gratitude Tree came down is always good fun to see what The Darlings write each day. Some days they mock me...I is hard to believe that they would do that...but it does happen! Most days they really do write some heartfelt notes of gratitude. Those are good moments for a Mom;)


It's a little's still The Missionary Boy!!! A great letter today... BIG changes in the mission...and great learning for The Missionary Boy!! Oh how I love missions!!!!


This is what my house looks like most Monday mornings! We love it!!! Today Breakfast = 2 dozen eggs, 4 packages of sausage, 1 gallon of milk, 1 gallon of OJ, 1 loaf of bread for toast, bottled peaches, cinnamon rolls and all the other fixings;) Following breakfast...a little laundry...a friendly game or two of pool or maybe a church movie or two! We sure love having the Elders around!!
