
January 2, 2013

New Beginings....

The holidays have been wonderful! Our days and nights have been filled with lots of family...yummy food and some serious game playing! It has been the great. The best part of the New Year, is the Grandparents S. have entered the MTC and are beginning their mission experience. We are so grateful that they have chosen to serve a mission and know for sure that our family will be so blessed while they are gone. I think it is pretty special for them to be serving at the same time The Missionary Boy is serving his mission. What a great example they are setting for our family.
The Darlings still have a couple of weeks of Christmas Vacation before school starts again. They are really enjoying not having schedules and homework. I am working on a Blog Book for 2012, I can't wait until it is done! The books are a real treasure!
We are looking forward to a great year....2013. Our year will be filled with some very exciting activities! PreShie will graduate from High School, and The Missionary Boy will return home at the end of the Summer. It is going to be a very special year for our family!
Happy New Year!!

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