
June 10, 2013


Our graduation week officially began yesterday.
I knew it was do you avoid it??;)
Last night was PreShie's seminary graduation... She looked radiant...
The Farmer was the invited speaker, and gave a wonderful message
.It was perfect!!!
So, this week we will celebrate our PreShie!!
We could not be more lucky...more blessed...or grateful...
to call this beauty ours!!
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She has plans...BIG plans for her future...
She know just what she wants and she will get it...
That is just how she is! We are so proud of her... and love her sooooo much!!!
Happy Graduation Week,
Sweet PreShie!!!
PreShie also received her Honor Bee for her extra service
and work in Young Women, today.
Way to go PreShie!!
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Just a fun side note... The Rooster got his Driver's License this week...
Clear the highways!!!!

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