
June 13, 2013

Missionary Thursday....;)

It seems that most any day is missionary day, around here!
 And I like it! If it isn't our own Missionary is the local missionaries which we
 love very much! In fact, Tuesday our local missionaries joined us for lunch.
 They came to our office where we had planned to have lunch...and noticed right
away that I was not having a great day;) happens now and again...anyway,
like they often do, they asked how they could help, I thanked them for being
so thoughtful and assures them that I would be just fine;)
 They ate their lunch...and as they were leaving they came and asked if they could
share a scripture that they were just sure would be helpful.
They went on to read...discuss...and share a much needed laugh, through an unfortunate
story in the scriptures! Oh those missionaries can be creative!;)...
Really it was a thought that was so special.
The missionaries are constantly in our home, for one thing or another...
and we are grateful for them and the great spirit they bring to our home!
Also, a treat this from the Missionary Boy!!
He had the opportunity to sit at the feet of a prophet in a very historic place in England.
Hyde Park. M. Russell Ballard make unexpected trip to England,
and The Missionary Boy was blessed to be there.
The above picture is of The Missionary Boy and Pres. Judd, his current Stake President,
who just happened to go to school and play basketball with The Farmer.
  Isn't that fun??!!
This is Elder Jones and Elder Jones (from Switzerland)
The Missionary Boy thinks he is alot alike a very dear friend of his from home;)
This photo is titled..."Family Portrait"
It is the missionary he trained...and the others who have been
trained through his "family line."
A fun sister who knows family in Mesa...

1 comment:

  1. It's all on big family down there in the England Mission Field!


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