
June 25, 2013

Our Precious Graduates...

June 14, was graduation day for our Precious.
I have been holding it together emotionally pretty well... until...
I caught here eye as she walked into the graduation ceremony, and then I lost it!
She looked beautiful...and very grown up!
  She looked ready to take the next step in her life.
Her graduating class was 60 kids.
 Some have been with her in school since the day they entered Kindergarten.
  In fact, one young man was with her in Pre-School, where they were the king and
queen of the school when they graduated. He wore a little mini suit... she sore the puffiest
pink floor length dress...layers and layers of tulle, with a huge crystal crown on her little head.
  That little king and queen practiced a waltz...for preform at the graduation dinner following the ceremony. It was pretty great!;)
Now...those two friends, who have been together for a very
very long time...are off to accomplish their own different directions.
After the graduation ceremony...the graduates were met with songs by the
Mariachis...a tradition at the JSA. The family gathered for our balloon launch...
a symbol that our Precious is ready to fly...
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The afternoon was filled with lots of hugs...lots of good-byes...
great food...and a big welcome into the JSA Alumni Association.
One of the things I love so much about our communities and the
 JSA is the deep rooted traditions that they are so loyal to!
Preshie is a 3rd generation graduate of the JSA...and that is a special thing.
The day was was long...but it was wonderful!!!
Auntie came from lands far away...(Utah) It was great to have her with us!
PreShie and Grandma C. one of the two grandma's that she is named for.
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1 comment:

  1. You should be so proud. I can see the light in her eyes and a very bright future! Congratulations!


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