
July 24, 2013

A Haircut...and, Cousin Jacko Arrives...

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The Rooster has some GREAT hair... Let's just start with that!
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Auntie is a hairdresser... and, thank goodness for that!
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The Rooster HATES a haircut! I mean he hates it!!!
He will go to great lengths to style his hair in a way that it appears not to be too long...
to avoid a haircut. Auntie has a way with The Rooster...and he "allows" her to
work with his hair. In fact I think he secretly enjoys the attention she slathers
on him while he is in her "chair."
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When it was all done...he looked great!!! Well...he looked great before,
but he was ready to attend AFY,
Adventures For Youth at BYU-I.
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Cousin Jacko arrived on Sunday, so that he and The Rooster could attend AFY together.
 Cousin Preston came from Mesa with a couple of friends too!
We drove to the Salt Lake City Airport to pick up Jacko.
 The cousins were so happy to be together again!
They really miss each other when they are apart.
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It didn't take long to realize that Cousin Jacko's luggage had been lost.
Holy Smokes!! Everything he needed was in that bag! He also arrived with a sleeping bag on his back;) While we were waiting for the luggage, Cousin Jacko told me that a man on the airplane asked him if he had run away from home. To which Cousin Jacko said "no...why???"
 The man said..."you have a sleeping bag on your back..."
Cousin Jacko thought that was really funny!
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I think these too are in for a wonderful week together in Idaho.
 I love listening to them talk to each other... although I can't understand a word they are saying!;) He have developed a language all their own...lots of grunting...Spanish words and a little English mixed in. Very, very interesting! These two love to spear fish together... it is their most recent obsession.
  I am glad they are cousins...
I am even more glad that they are friends!;)

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