
July 20, 2013

Too Much Change.....ugh!!

bsMural 009 

I am not good at change.
I guess I find security in things being the same.  I usually order the same
food when  visit a at the same stores...and lately one of The Darlings
commented that I have painted my house all the same color.  I guess I am not all that
adventurous.  I am pretty sure I inherited this trait from my Father.  He too
finds comfort in what he knows for sure.  The neighborhood he lives in...hard work...
simple trees in a yard...and The Gospel.
When the opportunity arose for him to purchase the home of my grandparents...his parents...
a home he spent much of his youth in...he purchased the home.
I would have done the same thing.
So now...I find myself facing a lot of change...and it unsettles me.
It makes me grouchy.  It makes me sad.  It makes me stressed.
A few days ago, The Farmer and I arrived in Utah for a little vacation.  We came here
to help Preshie get set up for school in the Fall and The Rooster to attend AFY.
Utah has become a place of rest
and refuge for us.  Each year...for a few weeks...we are able to leave our worries behind
and rest.  Utah is filled with family and friends who we love to see each year...
and they make us feel that that they are happy to see us too!
As we began our morning walk...on our first day in Utah, we left our temporary home...crossed
the street, and as I stepped from the street to the sidewalk I noticed that something was
written on the ground...a message I that very moment.
While traveling  last Monday, our journey as a family changed.
I think we will be forever changed as we begin this new and unexpected challenge
together.  I know we will change.  And I guess that is really what it is all about.  Learning
and growing.  The Missionary Grandpa has always been a great example of strength
in troubled times.  He has so often been our strength through very difficult learning
experiences.  Now it is our turn to be his.  We will gather our faith and our strength for him.
We will put into practice the very things he has taught us.
We will combine our faith and our courage for him.
photo (6)
Pretty incredible...right???!!
While traveling  last Monday, our journey as a family changed.
I think we will be forever changed as we begin this new and unexpected challenge
together.  I know we will change.  And I guess that is really what it is all about.  Learning
and growing.  The Missionary Grandpa has always been a great example of strength
in troubled times.  He has so often been our strength through very difficult learning
experiences.  Now it is our turn to be his.  We will gather our faith and our strength for him.
We will put into practice the very things he has taught us.
We will combine our faith and our courage for him.
And so I move ahead with Faith...understanding that I am not in control...
I never was,
Even if I thought I was at times;)
*The painting speaks to me...
"She will find what is lost" by Brian Kershisnik

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