
September 11, 2013

A Day With The Farmer...

A few days ago, I decided that I would ride along with The Farmer as he checked
the orchards and farms. Fall is inching its way into our area... not too quickly,
 but I feel it in the air. At this time of year, the last of the fruit is being
 picked from the trees...the other crops grown in our area are also being
picked as the winding down begins
. ranch1
We stopped by one of the Ranches that The Farmer spent much of his
 childhood on. It was once his father's, and now belongs to a brother.
Close to the ranch, is the lake. This is where much of the irrigation water comes from for
our area. A visit to the lake is always fun!
A trip to the lake is always interesting too!
Next we headed to another farm/orchard. I love this farm!
It is always beautiful and I like to say that it has great energy!
 It feels good to be there!
Everything is so beautiful right now, it was a treat to spend he
day with The Farmer, soaking up the beauty of the farms.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that sky!

    I got some peaches - local-- and they were not sweet! I want your peaches!


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