
October 31, 2013

On The Streets Of Mexico City...

A little over a month ago, our recently returned Missionary Boy and his "adopted" brother,
 left for Mexico City to attend a very special business school, The Academy For Creating Enterprise. These two young men had never been to this great city before so they weren't sure what to expect. Even though both have been raised in Mexico,
the culture of the south is VERY different than that of the North.
The Farmer served his LDS Mission in the heart of Mexico City, we have traveled
there many times and even lived there for a few months.
 It has become somewhat familiar to us.
Our Boys have spent days in classrooms,
 they have spent days working and maintaining the campus of this school.
 They have spent day in and day out literally selling items on the streets of Mexico City.
 They have attended Institute classes, so that not only were their business skills being strengthened, their spirituality was also strengthened. It has been a fantastic experience for Our Boys!!
 It has been a fantastic experience for us as parents to see more positive
growth from two pretty great sons!
This program was outlined by successful Entrepreneurs with the purpose to strength
 the LDS members financially as well as prepare them for church service,
whatever that may be. The Farmer says that it will change the LDS Church in Mexico completely.
 It teaches self-sufficiency, service and personal responsibility.
 It is an amazing program.
Our Boys say that this is the best decision they have made next to serving their missions.
They say that they are forever changed.
Along with great learning, they have had the chance to see some of the great
 historical landmarks of Mexico. I am so grateful that they are taking this
 experience and really getting the most out of it.
 I am a proud Moma!
The Farmer left this morning for Mexico City.
He is the keynote speaker for Our Boys graduation ceremony.
 He is also going to show those Boys a good time in that fun city!
Tonight, a very proud Dad is eating tacos, on the streets of Mexico City,
with two Sons who are thrilled he is there!  Tomorrow he will speak at
the graduation ceremony and then it is off to explore the City.
I am so grateful for this program for so many reasons...mostly because
it is another set in the transition of Our Boys, becoming men!

1 comment:

  1. That is great.
    I'm looking for an opportunity for T to go somewhere Spanish only speaking for something like this or along the lines of service...where he can use his Spanish.
    How fun for them and for the farmer!


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