
March 16, 2014

Called To Serve...Sweet Precious

This past week was Spring Break for The "Aggie" Darlings.
 Oh...I was thrilled to have them come home and just be here with us.
 What a treat for the Mom;) They stopped off in Mesa, so PreShie could have another
surgery on her mouth...I think this is the third...possibly fourth. BUT, she can now see the
light at the end of the tunnel and all of her mouth "drama" should be over in the
next two months! Anyway...after spending a couple of days with the Grandparents S.
 they headed home. We ate way too much! We stayed up talking...we had family gatherings...
we had a wonderful time.
The Aggie cousin group planned to leave Saturday to return to Logan and
 Friday morning PreShies mission call showed up! We just figured her "lost" call would
 arrived next week in Logan. We never expected that it would actually arrive in Mexico,
while she was here...what are the odds! It was just meant to be;)
The moment the Bishop dropped off her call, we began contacting family to
let them know that she would be opening it that evening. Evening came...
the family gathered...The Grandparents S. joined us on Skype...
and then it was time...
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With all eyes on her...she carefully opened the large white
envelope that was addressed to Sister Victoria Jones...
Called to Serve...
California Sacramento Mission
Reporting July 2
English Speaking
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I am so grateful that she was home for this amazing moment...
and that it was shared with family and friends who love her so much.
 I am so grateful for our Precious! She has been a great blessing to me,
her mother and to her whole family. She loves life and has a deep sense of spirituality.
 She will be an amazing missionary! I love her sense of duty in following in the
footsteps of grandmothers who have gone before her. I love her sense of family.
She is an amazing young lady. Here's to our beautiful Precious!
The soon to be...Sister Jones!
I love you very much PreShie!!


  1. Yippee! She is going to be a wonderful sister missionary!
    So exciting!

    English speaking...but I'll bet she will have plenty of opportunities to use that spanish, too!


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