
March 23, 2014

Harvey...Because It is Too Good To Pass Up...

Because the story gets better and better...
These photos needed to be posted for family history!
And...Harvey was not hurt in any way during this great adventure...
In fact...I think he had fun messing with The Aggie Boy!
Once captured, The Aggie Boy decided that he would get Harvey in the
 "mule dogging" position. Great idea right? Usually, when you are getting
 ready to brand and vaccinate calves, this is the position you would have
them in, so The Aggie Boy, got him on the ground,
Harvey cooperated...
At least long enough for a picture ;)
And then Harvey was done... He then decided that he didn't want
The Aggie Boy sitting on him any longer...
And then...Harvey was sitting on The Aggie Boy!
It was really funny. And...Harvey kept his mini horse lips pursed together
 the entire time!
  Harvey is the best!...and so is the Aggie Boy!

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