
April 23, 2014

The Aggie Update...Part One

 The Aggie Darlings are always on the move!
The Spring Semester has come to an end and they will be on the move again.
The Aggie Boy is known to find creative ways to get himself where he needs to go, 
and took up a little Long boarding.
It seemed like a great idea...
But then resulted in this...a broken wrist.
The bone that was broken will require some special attention to make sure it heals correctly.
 The Aggie Boy was fitted with a splint, so that the swelling could go down...
and tomorrow he will be fitted with a cast that will be his dear friend for most of the Summer!
 This is the third...possibly the fourth time he has broken an arm!
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Yes...this happened during finals week.
 Yes...he had a few papers that were due... and was his right wrist that was broken!
 Thankfully his sweet sister was willing to help him finish up his required classwork.


  1. I feel his pain! I cut the ends off my fingers right before finals week. As an English major, that is not good. I got some special extensions from some teachers, and on one of my big projects, I remember handwriting it with my left hand. Hope he heals fast!

  2. Never a dull moment with that one!


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