
May 6, 2014

Free At Last...!!!


The Aggie Darlings have moved!
They ended a great year at USU an have now moved on to other experiences for the Summer.
The day they moved was hard. There were lots of tears. But, new friends were in place,
and life is moving on. It was a big transition...and they did it!!
In other very important news...PreShie got those darn braces off!!
 After so many years, and so many Doctors, we were finally able to get connected with the group
 of  Doctors who were able to get her problems worked out. I am so grateful for their help!
 I don't know what her dental future would have been without them! She has a set of Doctors in Arizona
 and another set in Utah. I am sure after all is said and done...we could have purchased
a small country somewhere in the world with the investment we have
made in her was worth it! I am so glad we are at the end of that road!!!
To celebrate she ate an apple;)
 and her favorite chicken sandwich in all the world.
 She said it was pretty amazing to not have braces on while eating;)
She has made another big step in her preparations for serving a mission.
 This weekend we head to Arizona...this trip will be all about more big steps for her on this wonderful
journey she has chosen...that of a full time missionary.
It is going to be a very special weekend for her... and for our family!

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