
May 22, 2014

The Rooster...At 17...

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17 years ago today The Rooster arrived!! Where had the time gone?
He is our "Baby" he is our "Pet." It is hard to see him turn into a man...but at the same time it has
 been so fun to watch him grow. From the moment he arrived, he had us all wrapped around his little finger.
 In fact, he seems to have the same effect on most everyone he meets. Usually when you mention his name,
you hear things like..."oh I love that Rooster..." or "he is such a sweet boy."
 He has eyes that twinkle and those sweet eyes get him out of trouble when trouble is found;)
He as the most contagious smile that can light up a room.
He has a very tender heart.
  He doesn't like to show his emotions...(just like his Farmer Father)...
but when he does it is a very tender thing.
The Rooster at 17...
He loves his siblings and misses them terribly.
He doesn't like to be the center of attention...
He LOVES a good steak...and a not so good one too;)
He really likes Mt. Dew
He smells great all the time;)
He loves jerky
He is a great friend and is quick to defend if needed.
He likes to Golf...
He takes great care of Meow Meow...
He has the most wonderful thick and curly hair...
He has grown very tall over the past couple of years,
 and at the rate he is going he may be as tall as his Dad very soon!
His hands are the same size has his The Farmer's and he now wears a larger shoe than The Farmer does...
He is often found in the kitchen late into the night, because he is hungry.
He loves spear fishing and goes as often as possible!
I can't imagine our life without Our Rooster!
 He has brought so much joy into our home!
 I love that Rooster with all my heart!!
Happy Birthday Roost!!!!
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