
June 2, 2014

Meanwhile...Back At The Farm...

Lots going on around this place... All good! 
The Aggie Boy is working his heart out, earning money for his next year of school. 
He was lucky enough to get a job as a trailer driver...yes...that's right... he is a "trucker!!" 
 He drives the US mail to different locations around Utah. 
 Most often he drives to Southern Utah...sleeps a little then returns to Provo. 
 He is able and willing to drive at any time...and he often does! 
He is working hard and saving for Fall.

 He loads his own that it is done just right... 
He's kind of OCD like that ;)
On long drives...he calls and we talk for hours... 
I love it!!


He says the best part of the job (other than the $$) is the morning sunrise,
which he get to see often!


 The Aggie Boy recently had a follow up with the Dr. for his broken arm...
the visit went well and the Dr. told him that he had healed perfectly!
 We were grateful for that!


He's enjoying a fun and productive Summer!
 I can't wait to get to Utah and see that Aggie Boy of ours!!!

This beauty will be home in just a few days...
and I am THRILLED!!!

She too had enjoyed a good job while in Provo...
and had lot of fun with more good friends that she has gotten to know there.
I can't wait to have her home where we can really soak
her for the last few weeks before her mission.


This is going full blast in my office today...the ice machine...
As quickly as the ice is is used...
WOW!! It's hot around here!


Meanwhile, back at The Farm...all is well!


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