
July 31, 2014

We Ate Our Way Through Utah...And Here's The Proof!!


 We started with Sodalicious...and it did not disappoint! 
If you are in Provo or is a MUST! 
The Rooster became very fond of the "Second Wife...Extra Dirty!" 
Every drink has it's own funny name...or you can mix your own!


JDawgs...again...a MUST!


 The Provo Food Truck scene... 
This is so much fun! And so delicious!!!

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And then there was...Waffle Luv! 
Oh My!!!


 One of the great perks of the Waffle Luv location in Provo, 
is the fun mural that is on the dining room wall. It was painted by Provo artists one of which 
I am a HUGE fan of... Brian Kershisnik...I love his work! 
That just made the waffles taste better...yum...yum!!!

 And finally...Communal. 
A charming restaurant in downtown Provo, 
where only local and in-season ingredients are used. 
The food is beyond fantastic! It is an "experience" to dine there. 
What made it even more enjoyable was sharing it with my Darling Brother Ben! 
 He has a very developed palate and appreciates a wonderful meal!

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And yes...
I do photograph the food it eat! ...don't judge me! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! I am so hungry now and want to go to Provo just to eat!!


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